food is necessary for the existence of all living beings in general and man in particular, Man lives, grows and works only because of food, the most essential thing for life is food,
(mind, intellect and thought) hungry or underfed; then they will run after all kinds of foul food. Give them proper nourishment and they will perform their functions well.
the Gunas and their characteristics are mentioned, as also the relationship between the type of food taken and the character that emanates. The food decides the Guna, the Guna seeks the food congenial to it; thus the vicious cycle moves on.
slothful reaction. According to the Gita, maintaining control over the tongue by taking in pure food is absolutely essential for the devotee. Use your powers of discrimination with every item of food and ask the question, "Is this food pure, or will it disturb or lower my consciousness?" If you were to examine every item of food you use in this way, and take food in judiciously, you would always remain equal-minded. You would not be affected by censure or praise.
The single most important reason for these weaknesses is the type of food you take in. All these adverse feelings come about because of your lack of control and discrimination in the area of food. The Gita has emphasized the need for exercising extreme care in selecting the food you eat. You must constantly keep in mind the importance of pure food for helping you to maintain equanimity in all situations.
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